
Math Toolbox

I just finished organizing my new student math toolboxes and I'm so excited to share them with you!

One of my goals this summer was to organize my math resources. I also wanted to find a way to save on copying paper for math.  I know that many of you are in the same position of having your copying numbers being cut or limited, especially color copies. 

After looking on pinterest I found some toolboxes which inspired me to create my own.  The best part was that I already had the resources in my classroom to create the toolboxes.  I just needed to make some changes in how I was going to store and utilize the tools with my class.

I decided to take all of the tools I was already using and copy things smaller. When printing I would print two slides to a page.   Next I would flip the paper and print a different slide on the back so everything was double sided.  I also decided to laminate everything so I can use the tools again in future years. (SAVING PAPER & TIME)  All of the of the resources were copied on colored cardstock. 

Here are pictures of what I included in each toolbox:

-The toolboxes are standard size pencil boxes which can be purchased anywhere.  I wait for them to go on sale for $.50 each.


-20 two-color counters (The small containers I put them in are from Dollar Tree.  You will find them in the arts and craft section.  They are sold in packs of 6.  Be careful there are also smaller containers sold in 8 packs which are too small.)

-mathlink cubes (2 colors - 10 of each color)

-dry erase marker and erase pad (I purchase facial pads from the Dollar Tree which work great for erasing.  They come 3 in a pack and will last all year.)

-number chart 1-100 on side one and 101-200 on side two

 -days of the week and months of the year on side one and seasons on side two

 -number words on side one and odd/even numbers on side two

-count by 5's on side one and count by 10's on side two

-number line 0-10 on side one and number line 0-20 on side two

-2D shapes on side one and 3D shapes on side two

-1, 10 & 100 on side one and place value chart on side two

-circle number bond on side one and whole, part, part number bond on side two

You can find the covers for the math toolboxes in my TpT store.  They include 3 different cover choices with and without numbers on them.  I originally created the cover to fit on the Iris storage boxes shown below so they fit perfectly on them.  However, after deciding what resources and tools I wanted to include they were too small to hold everything.

If you like the math tools I created for my class you can find them in my interactive calendar unit in my TpT store. 

My class will use the toolboxes for whole group and small group guided math lessons.  They can even use them when working independently at math centers.  I look forward to sharing more ideas with you once school begins!

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